Tuesday, April 29, 2014

FYI, Ethan Craft From "Lizzie McGuire" Is Pretty Dang Hot

Just in case you were wondering.

Remember that ditzy douche-esque blonde bro that Lizzie was superficially attracted to even though Gordo was her one true love and actual real soul-mate?

Remember that ditzy douche-esque blonde bro that Lizzie was superficially attracted to even though Gordo was her one true love and actual real soul-mate?

Disney / Via lizziemcguirethings.tumblr.com

"If you say "Ethan Craft," I swear I'm gonna hurl!" - Gordo

"If you say "Ethan Craft," I swear I'm gonna hurl!" - Gordo


Okay, so Ethan Craft's real name is Clayton Synder and he's still alive.

Okay, so Ethan Craft's real name is Clayton Synder and he's still alive.


And, get ready for it, he's pretty dang hot.

And, get ready for it, he's pretty dang hot.


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