Thursday, June 5, 2014

Revealed: RAILA ODINGA'S Powerful Secret Security Surveillance That He Came Back With And THWARTED TERROR Attack At UHURU PARK See These Machines

During his homecoming party dubbed #BabaWhileYouWereAway large crowd estimated to be at a million converged at Uhuru park to receive Raila Odinga.

Coming at a time when security is on high alert following sequential terror attacks, the rally was nearly called off with Police IG Kimaiyo citing security constraints.

After his announcement banning the rally, CORD chiefs led by Wetangula met with Kimaiyo at a meeting which then followed his uplifting.

As Nairobi Exposed gets informed, Raila had given his assurance and that his independent intelligence officers had been on the venue securing it in conjunction with the police. And all terror attacks would be thwarted.

On the rally day,many people had witnessed a never seen weapon, to many it looked like a normal aircraft, unknown to them that was Raila's sent drone which gave a corner to corner security surveillance. Fitted with bomb,explosives and any sophisticated weapons detectors, the drone is also fully fitted with its own weapon that will detonate at a suspect from the crowd.

Coupled with the police, Men in Black. Uhuru park that day was heavily secured. Raila is said to have been assigned an elite class security details by the US.

Read more here via Nairobi Exposed