Friday, August 22, 2014

Why a fake orgasm could improve your sex life


The researchers also found that women were more likely to fake orgasms to turn themselves on, rather than to end sex.

Research published in the Journal of Sexual Archives has finally (sort of) solved the age-old question: why do women fake orgasm? (Sure, it hasn’t happened to you… but you know it happens.)

Turns out some women fake it in order to increase their own arousal; pretending to enjoy sex — and pretending to get into it — can make it more pleasurable. Probably because by faking involvement and excitement, women naturally become more involved and excited (like how science says when you smile, your brain automatically gets happier).

What actually happened was this: Researchers from Temple University and Kenyon College asked 481 sexually active heterosexual females (not in committed relationships) to indicate how much individual factors influenced their decision to fake an orgasm.

Four motives formed the Faking Orgasm Scale for Women, a scale designed to assess women’s self-reported motives for faking orgasm during oral sex and sexual intercourse. They were as follows: 1) altruistic deceit (faking it to be nice); 2) fear and insecurity (to avoid negative emotions associated with the sexual experience); 3) elevated arousal (to increase arousal); 4) sexual adjournment (to end sex).

While the most common motive was altruism (as a woman, this makes perfect sense, though I understand it does seem odd we’d sacrifice so much), the researchers also found that women were more likely to fake orgasms to turn themselves on, rather than to end sex.

So next time you’re unsure, it’s perfectly acceptable to ask: “Were you just trying to spare my feelings?”

Read more here Capital Lifestyle