Monday, October 27, 2014

>>> Hugh Jackman treated for third bout of skin cancer

Hugh Jackman

Hugh Jackman has reportedly been treated for skin cancer for the third time.

The 46-year-old actor recently underwent treatment for his third bout of basal cell carcinoma (BCC) in the space of 12 months.

The ‘Wolverine’ star’s rep told E! News that Hugh was “all good” following the treatment.

Hugh previously had cancerous cells removed in November 2013 as well as earlier this year in May.

He recently revealed that he believes he’ll have “many more” skin cancer scares.

Speaking previously at the premiere of ‘X-Men: Days Of Future Past’ in Beijing, China, he said: “I’m realistic about the future and it’s more than likely that I’ll have at least one more but probably many more, which is not uncommon for an Aussie particularly from English stock growing up in Australia where I don’t remember ever being told to put sunscreen on.”

Despite having cancerous cells removed, Hugh is trying to stay positive about his health and is attending regular medical check-ups.

He added: “The beauty of this is it’s all preventable, it’s just about getting proper check-ups.

“I can be typical man, a little lazy, I couldn’t be bothered and now I’m not lazy at all.”

BCC is a common form of skin cancer and treatable, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation.

Hugh continues to urge people to ensure they protect their skin when out in the sun and recommends they speak to their doctor if they are unsure.

Hugh Jackman treated for third bout of skin cancer

Hugh Jackman treated for third bout of skin cancer