Thursday, December 18, 2014

>>> Treasurer Ouko installed as new KRU boss

OUMA-CELEBRATE NAIROBI, December 18- Embattled Kenya Rugby Union (KRU) have appointed treasurer Gabriel Ouko as their chairman on Thursday to serve for the remainder of the term of Mwangi Muthee who abruptly resigned from the post a day earlier.

With a 14 day window to fill the top vacancy as provided by its constitution yet to elapse, the Union moved with speed to stem a vacuum left by Muthee and two directors Godwin Karuga and Maurice Masiga who quit on Monday in a tumultuous week for the governing body.

“The Board at a meeting held on 17th December 2014, unanimously appointed Mr. Gabriel Ouko as Chairman of the Union and shall serve out the remainder of the term – until the next Annual General Meeting which shall be held before the 31st March 2015. Mr. Ouko shall also continue to discharge his duties as the Hon. Treasurer of the Union,” a statement signed by Secretary General Eddie Omondi declared.

In a further bid to halt the potential damage the leadership circus at the Union has created, the new office pledged to continue its programmes with emphasis on Kenya 7s team that is bidding to become the third team sport after hockey and women’s volleyball to feature at an Olympics.

“We are confident that Kenya 7s shall maintain its core status at the World Series and realize the nation’s dream of being the first team sport (sic) to participate in the Olympics.

“We remain on track in professionalizing the Union Secretariat. We have commenced the professional recruitment of a Chief Executive Officer and Chief Finance Officer who shall be in office by the 1st February 2015. The Union is also currently developing its new 5 year cycle Strategic Plan for 2015 – 2020. In addition we have retained the services of a consultant to streamline our human, administrative and financial processes,” the statement added.

Claims of corruption and shadowy procurement practices leveled against unnamed board members by Muthee in his resignation statement were also addressed.

“Most importantly, our doors and books remain open to anyone. As a Union and a Board, we have never had anything to hide.

“We otherwise graciously take this opportunity to unreservedly applaud the former Chairman, Mr. Muthee for his selfless and dedicated effort to the game of rugby,” Omondi’s announcement held flying across reports some members of the board including himself were vehemently opposed to an audit into KRU.

Treasurer Ouko installed as new KRU boss

Treasurer Ouko installed as new KRU boss