Monday, January 19, 2015

>>> Bukusi appointed KRU CEO


NAIROBI, Kenya, January 19 – The Kenya Rugby Union Board has appointed former National Executive Trainer Ronald Bukusi as the CEO effective from February 1.

Bukusi who worked as a corporate trainer in Chicago was selected after a month long recruitment exercise handled by a regional professional consulting firm, Career Directions that recommended him for the job.

Bukusi, is no stranger to Kenyan rugby, having previously served at the Union as a trainer from 1994 to 2000 under the Chairmanship of Ambassador Dennis Awori and George Kariuki.

Prior to his appointment, Bukusi worked as a corporate trainer with Chicago based firm Arthur Anderson LLP.

He is a trained rugby coach and educator and has had a coaching stint with the Chicago Blaze Men’s Rugby and Chicago Sirens Women’s Rugby Clubs.

“A holder of a Master’s Degree in Sports Management, Bukusi brings a lot of corporate experience as well as technical rugby understanding and is best suited to take charge of professionalization of the Secretariat alongside establishing systems and processes to enhance efficiency, effectiveness and transparency within the organization.

“The KRU Board takes this opportunity to congratulate, welcome and wish him well as he takes up his appointment. He can rest assured of our unwavering support and zero interference,” a statement from KRU read.

The Board is finalizing on the appointment of the Chief Finance Officer.

Bukusi appointed KRU CEO

Bukusi appointed KRU CEO