Monday, January 12, 2015

>>> Record breaking: Man has 4550 piercings in eight hours

4500 tattoos

A man had 4,550 piercings in eight hours.

Matthew Menczyk, 30, underwent thousands of the painful procedures to break the world record for Most Surgical Needle Piercings in One Session – which listed an eight hour time frame – smashing previous holder Tyson Turk’s record by 650 piercings.

Matthew broke the record in aid of Directions Youth Services (DYS) – an organisation which helps at risk youths in Vancouver, Canada – and admitted he struggled to cope with the pain during the ordeal.

According to the Daily Express newspaper, he said: “I just wanted to cry because of the pain.

“I was biting things, punching things but I endured and it was all for a good cause.”

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Record breaking: Man has 4550 piercings in eight hours

Record breaking: Man has 4550 piercings in eight hours