Thursday, September 24, 2015

3 reasons for insuring your wind screen #InsureAfrika


Windscreen cover is usually part of the enhancements you can add to your motor insurance cover to protect you from damage to your windscreen. Having this cover included in your insurance can take away the stress associated with replacing a damaged windshield. Here are three reasons why you should include a windscreen cover on your insurance.

1. You Just can’t Drive Without a Windscreen

Unlike other parts of your car, that you can postpone repairs on a damaged windscreen. It is also impossible to drive without your windscreen. If anything happens to it and it is completely damaged, your next trip must be to a garage. In fact, you may need a breakdown truck to get you there. If the damage is minor (say a crack) you can drive still drive, but you will have to discuss the issue with every traffic police officer on your route. The point here is that once your windscreen is damaged, you need to repair it immediately. This qualifies as an emergency, which is what insurance companies specialise in providing.

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2. Your Windscreen can be the only damaged part of your car

The second reason for insuring your windscreen is it can be the only part of your car that experiences accidental damage. If your policy does not include a windscreen cover, then you cannot claim any compensation from your insurance company. The most common type of accidental damage on windscreen are cracks. If someone threw a stone vertically in front of your car, and you happen to hit it at 100 Kph, the impact is similar to someone throwing the stone at 100kph at your stalled car. Your windscreen can also be damaged if something falls on it, say from  balcony or window in a storey building, debris from a construction site, or a falling branch. Hitting low flying birds can also damage your windscreen if your speed is high enough. You windscreen can also be damaged by flying debris propelled by other cars such as pebbles propelled by the wheels of a car in from of you, or construction transport trucks carrying mortar, or pebbles. A windscreen cover will help you to deal with any eventuality that involves only the windscreen of your car.

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3. Windscreens are not Cheap

People who have replaced windscreens will tell you that windscreen replacement is not a cost you want to bear without some kind of plan. This is exactly why insurance companies exist, to handle costs you cannot foresee, that arise from accidents. Insuring your windscreen makes it easy for you to deal with damage to your windscreen without undue strain.

In conclusion, buying cover for your windscreen is an effective way of preparing for any damage to your windshield. The good news is that the additional premium needed to cover for it is low. If you need to find out about the cost of insuring your windshield from various insurance companies, feel free to fill out our quotes form and get a free comparison. Our site will provide you with a simple way of comparing quotes online for all aspects of motor insurance.

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